I am still most definitely worldly.....and female.
Miss Worldly
JoinedPosts by Miss Worldly
User Name Changes
by moreconfusedthanever ini wish i could change my user name.
i am no longer confused..
JW.facts graffitied on a wall?
by Miss Worldly indid anyone see the trevor macdonald programme in the u.k. last night?
the one about james bulgers killers?
close to the end mr macdonald was walking through an underpass, at the exit, graffitied on the wall in massive black letters was ‘jwfacts.com’ it was plain to see........
Miss Worldly
Yes, jwfacts, that’s it. It is surreal, definitely was last night when I saw it.
It was a real ‘...did I really just see that?’ Moment
JW.facts graffitied on a wall?
by Miss Worldly indid anyone see the trevor macdonald programme in the u.k. last night?
the one about james bulgers killers?
close to the end mr macdonald was walking through an underpass, at the exit, graffitied on the wall in massive black letters was ‘jwfacts.com’ it was plain to see........
Miss Worldly
Thanks PE, I actually thought about you when I saw it...... thought it was your neck of the woods.
JW.facts graffitied on a wall?
by Miss Worldly indid anyone see the trevor macdonald programme in the u.k. last night?
the one about james bulgers killers?
close to the end mr macdonald was walking through an underpass, at the exit, graffitied on the wall in massive black letters was ‘jwfacts.com’ it was plain to see........
Miss Worldly
....it came around the point in the program where they were discussing one of the Murderers,who has been jailed for child abuse for a second time since his release for killing James, should have thrown away the key the first time.....
so it did make me wonder if it was a vey strategic shot by some director, producer etc who knows about the JW scandals? ... or was it just coincidence?
JW.facts graffitied on a wall?
by Miss Worldly indid anyone see the trevor macdonald programme in the u.k. last night?
the one about james bulgers killers?
close to the end mr macdonald was walking through an underpass, at the exit, graffitied on the wall in massive black letters was ‘jwfacts.com’ it was plain to see........
Miss Worldly
It was on ITV. Probably 15-20 minutes from the end. At first I thought I’d imagined it saying JWfacts, but, no. I’m convinced that’s what it says. Who ever did it got more exposure than they thought they would.
Yes, it was very sad, and to hear James’ mum talking was devastating. No parent should have to go through what they have endured.
JW.facts graffitied on a wall?
by Miss Worldly indid anyone see the trevor macdonald programme in the u.k. last night?
the one about james bulgers killers?
close to the end mr macdonald was walking through an underpass, at the exit, graffitied on the wall in massive black letters was ‘jwfacts.com’ it was plain to see........
Miss Worldly
Did anyone see the Trevor MacDonald programme in the U.K. last night? The one about James Bulgers killers?
Close to the end Mr MacDonald was walking through an underpass, at the exit, graffitied on the wall in massive black letters was ‘JWfacts.com’ it was plain to see.......
by redundantcartworker ini recently attended a non jw funeral at a local church.
during the service, a couple of friends/relatives of the deceased eloquently spoke for a few minutes about the deceased with some of their fond memories and gave heartfelt, respectful tributes.. would i ( a non jw) be given a few minutes to speak at either of my jw parents funerals at the kingdom hall ?.
i guess i already know the answer, but if the answer is "no", then why not and how would they hide the heartlessness of refusing ?
Miss Worldly
The Bible gives hope that millions who have died will live again
Christ’s resurrection provides a guarantee (1Co 15:22, 23)
ttdtt - JW hypocrisy at its best?
What Do You Do if the Household Does Not Celebrate?
by BluesBrother init is christmas morning ....the weather outside looks cold grey and dismal (typical britain in winter ) the house is quiet as my wife gets on with something.
.... the street is silent, as dead as the grave.
the tv is full of the purile nonsense that fills airtime this time of year .
Miss Worldly
Bluesbrother i am sure you are not the only person who struggles with the silence of today. It's hard, I know, the silence is deafening.
If I maybe so bold, I wish you a merry Christmas and a peaceful day.
Miss W.
if pre 1975 you said "The system will still be here late 2017" what would be the J.W's reaction?
by karter inone word for it.....apostate!
Miss Worldly
Hey, slightly off topic but can anyone point me in the right direction of any wt material that predicted or eluded to 1975.
Ive been told the Wt have never said it and it was all rumour........quite vehemently told that. I'd just like a bit of back up please.
Thanks in advance
Miss W
Can't believe we are still here
by moreconfusedthanever injust this week i had the jws knock on my door.
sisters from my old congregation.
we exchanged the usual polite conversation.
Miss Worldly
During our chat one of the sisters pipes up and says "I can't believe we are still here. We were not meant to go to high school, get married or have children this side of Armageddon.". This sister is now a grandmother.
......... Do I hear the chink of a doubt?
"I can't believe we are still here.
Believe it! .... How can she not believe that, but she believes things so much more far fetched!?!?